The Bank of the Year Awards, now in its 15th year, recognizes the top financial institutions in the world. Winners were announced at an exclusive event at The Intercontinental Hotel, Park Lane, London on November 27.“Bank of the Year Puerto Rico for 2014”
The awards are the industry’s most widely used index of global banking, and are internationally recognized as the definitive guide to the soundness, strength and profitability of banks, according to The Banker. Banks are assessed by Tier 1 capital, with secondary rankings by assets, capital/asset ratio, real profit growth, profit on average capital, and return on assets.
Richard L. Carrión, Chairman and CEO of Popular, Inc. said, “We are honored to be recognized by The Banker for the significant strides Banco Popular has made in generating strong revenue growth and securing operational efficiencies in challenging economic times. The core values that have guided the bank for over 120 years helped us chart a course on which we aspire to continue. We are proud to share this award with our employees, customers, shareholders and the communities we are privileged to serve.”
The award from The Banker is based on several key accomplishments. In 2013, the price of the stock of Popular, Inc. rose 38%, the commercial loan portfolio increased by 3%, the bank repaid $935 million in outstanding TARP funds, and U.S. operations consolidated into two key regions, New York/New Jersey and South Florida. Also considered in the award, were the thousands of hours that Popular employees devoted to community service in 2013, and the nearly $2 million donated to non-profit organizations, 80% of which were in education, and 20% focused on economic development.
Banco Popular de Puerto Rico is the leading financial institutions in the following categories: credit cards with 52% of the market, 40% in lending, 32% in mortgage, 38% in commercial and construction lending, 31% in personal loans, and 37% in overall lending. The company is also recognized for its online banking platform, “Mi Banco Online” and mobile app, “Mi Banco Mobile”, leading digital platforms in Puerto Rico.
About Popular, Inc.
Founded in 1893, Popular, Inc. (NASDAQ: BPOP) is the leading banking institution by both assets and deposits in Puerto Rico and ranks among the top 50 U.S. banks by assets. In the United States, Popular has established a community-banking franchise that does business as Popular Community Bank, providing a broad range of financial services and products, with branches in Florida, New York and New Jersey.
For more information, visit
Popular, Inc.Teruca Rullán, 787-281-5170 or 917-679-3596 (mobile)
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications
Banco Popular De Puerto Rico Recognized as “Bank of the Year” by Leading Magazine “The Banker”
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