Tuesday, April 28, 2015

1M-gallon water tank replacement project in Puerto Rico nears completion

(CUC) — The Commonwealth Utilities Corp. is preparing for the completion of a multimillion dollar project which figures prominently in the utility’s ability to deliver reliable water service to customers in Puerto Rico and the surrounding communities.
The project was designed by Duenas, Camacho & Associates and construction of the tank was contracted to AIC Marianas. The first phase of the project began in August 2014 with the demolition of the pre-existing tank. Once completed, the welded steel tank will raise the level of water service provided to customers in Garapan, Puerto Rico, Lower Base and Sadog Tasi for the next 30 years.
The $2 million project is funded through a generous $1.5 million grant from the United States Economic Development Administration and $500,000 in matching funds from the Department of the Interior-Office of Insular Affairs.
As the Puerto Rico tank replacement project nears completion, CUC continues work on additional major water projects, including the replacement of the Papago reservoir, better known as the former “Super Blue” tank.
The $1.4 million project is funded by the Environmental Protection Agency through a Safe Drinking Water Act State Revolving Fund grant. The construction of the tank will take an estimated four months to complete and is scheduled to begin in May 2015.
For more information, call the water division at 322-5030/31 or the Call Center at 664-4CUC (4282).
1M-gallon water tank replacement project in Puerto Rico nears completion

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